04 November 2019

Introducing the musical theme for Project Vol.2

Seeking the Songs for the Planet

Our planet is suffering in many ways. As a global community we see it from different angles. When you share your own point of view musically, it increases consciousness, urges action, transforms and heals.

We are searching for music pieces:

Folk songs, pop and rock songs, instrumental pieces, protest songs, ode to beauty, ballads, chants, choir music, gospel songs and hymns that range from the solitary voice to the communal voice, from anger to hope, from lament to joy.

This is a place of connection, dialogue and debate. It encompasses a plurality of cultures and styles that require constant translation. It is a testing ground of comprehension, ideas, poetry and music.
The music has to be created by artists from at least two different cultural backgrounds. Any genre and any combination of genres is welcome.
We can't wait to hear all your musical ideas!
For the procedure and schedule of the Beyond Music Project Vol. 2 you can find all information here.
Click here if you want to submit a collaboration.
