18 July 2023

What do you think about "social change"?

Dear all,

What do you think about "social change"?

Music is not only something for good times, for times of peace. Especially in times of conflict, in times of crisis, it often becomes a vehicle of protest. But also of hope.

This can be seen throughout history - with the American Civil Rights Movement for example, where songs like „What’s going on“ by Marvin Gaye or "We shall overcome“, sung by Joan Baez, played an important role, but also in the recent past with the protests in Iran, which were accompanied by music that gave courage to those seeking for change. Probably the most famous song in this context? The ballad „Baraye“ by the Iranian singer Shervin Hajipour.  

To discuss the power of music and its potential as a tool for societal change, we invited a group of Swiss-based musicians, members of Beyond Music, to a studio-shoot in Basel, where they talked about anthems of solidarity, lyrics that express dissent or promote unity, and the social topics that they are concerned about.

What they stand up for or against? Watch the video and find out!

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The participants of the shoot:

With warm regards,

Konstanze & Regula
